Wooden Bunk Bed

Kids bunk beds with stairs

Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs
Kids bunk beds with stairs

Kids bunk beds with stairs    Kids bunk beds with stairs

This bunk bed is perfect for kids who love a bit of adventure in their bedroom. With stairs leading up to the top bunk. The sturdy wooden frame ensures safety while the design with a built-in ladder saves space. The bunk bed is suitable for any children's bedroom and is particularly great for siblings sharing a room where it can be used as 2 single beds.

Kids bunk beds with stairs    Kids bunk beds with stairs